The Bonded
After the fall of the First City when the people of the world were scattered, and when the undead preyed upon the living during the Void Age, the Gods revealed themselves to a small number of families of different ancestries and led them to a safe refuge in the Star Mountains where they could rebuild and prosper. The Gods gave these families religious rules by which they should live, and in turn the Gods were obligated to watch over the families and their descendants. When the refuge was eventually lost due to the sins of some of their inhabitants, the descendants of the families scattered throughout the world. Still, their pact with the Gods endures, and as long as they keep the promises their ancestors made to the Gods, the Gods will watch over them.
The Bonded are less concerned about the afterlife than about right action in this world, and it is the role of priests to interpret the God-given rules as well as the opinions of the many Bonded scholars who have come before them.